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About Us

Core Values
To give the best value in both product and service to our customers around the world. To ensure our customers’ needs are being met and the quality of their lives are being improved by our products.

Social Responsibility
To give back to causes and organizations with worthy causes who deserve help. Help can and will be in the form of volunteers, finance, and promotion.

Kescas is committed to fostering a community to better support home improvement projects, healthy lifestyle changes, and family enjoyment.

Where We Are
We have four offices in three countries, all working together to provide the best support for our customers. As Kescas continues to grow, our services will reach out to more people.

Amazon Store
Purchase on Our Amazon Store, get more you want. Click Here:
USA: Kescas USA Amazon Official Website.
Canada: Kescas Canada Amazon Official Website.
Japan: Kescas Japan Amazon Official Website.